About us


The traditional medicine pharmacy Tho Xuan Duong would like to express our sincere wishes for health and happiness to you, we sincerely thank all of you, both domestic and international, for your love and trust in Tho Xuan Duong over the past period!

Vietnamese traditional medicine is the healing culture of the Vietnamese people, with 54 ethnicities and 54 distinct healing cultures. Inheriting and enriching the tradition of Vietnamese traditional medicine is the contribution of Tho Xuan Duong - a multi-generation traditional medicine pharmacy of the Phung family. This family line includes talented herb doctors who were recruited by successive kings from the Hau Le dynasty to the Quang Trung dynasty to work in the Court Pharmacy. This lineage has been renowned for four centuries and is recorded in the Vietnamese Guinness Records.


Tho Xuan Duong - the "heart" of the Phung family lineage has its roots in Tho Am village, Lien Ninh commune, Thanh Tri district, Hanoi. This village has been a cultural center with many scholars who have made contributions to the nation. Rarely has any family lineage preserved the traditional medical profession as faithfully as Tho Xuan Duong.

Through the ups and downs of history, the traditional medicine pharmacy Tho Xuan Duong has always been proud to contribute a small part to the healthcare and protection of the people. To promote the precious heritage of traditional Vietnamese medicine, Tho Xuan Duong proudly introduces: The tradition of passion for the profession and the country within the family. Inheriting and developing the healing culture of the Vietnamese people to provide treatment for the people domestically and internationally.

The originator in the family of traditional medicine was Mr. Phung Van Duong, also known as Khang Thuy Chan Nhan, who made medicine at Te Sinh Duong - the Court Pharmacy of the Le dynasty in 1653.

Mr. Phung Van Duong

Herb doctor Phung Van Dong (1713-1783), also known as Duc Tien, passed the Imperial Examination, held the position of Chi Su in the royal court, was promoted to the title of Cong Thu Lang, then served as Thiem Su at the Court Pharmacy of the Le dynasty, and also held the title of royal physician Dat Tho Ba.

Mr. Phung Van Dong

Herb doctor Phung Van Con (1743-1822), the son of Mr. Dong, also known as Duc Tuyen, passed the Confucian examinations, served in the military medical corps and was promoted to the title of Cong Thu Lang. In 1781, he was assigned to the Court Pharmacy. In 1782, he held the position of deputy royal physician. During the reign of King Quang Trung, he was assigned to treat soldiers, and after the rapid campaign that defeated 20,000 Qing troops, due to his significant contributions, he was bestowed the title of "Fierce General" by King Quang Trung. He was awarded a pair of chopsticks made from the Nageia Fleuryi wood used for testing poisons, a golden coin engraved with the inscription "First-class of the dynasty" which held great historical value for the family lineage.

Mr. Phung Van Con

A pair of chopsticks made from the Nageia Fleuryi wood used for testing poisons and a golden coin engraved with the inscription "First-class of the dynasty"

Throughout the vicissitudes of history, the descendants have always maintained the family profession and ancestral legacy. Ancestors have passed down valuable experiences and effective medicinal formulas to treat the people. Particularly, the ancestors always advised the descendants to continue the legacy with compassion for the people, love for the country, and to have a compassionate heart for the sick as if they were their own family members. 

With its strengths and practical activities, Tho Xuan Duong is continuously improving the quality of healthcare services, developing a source of "clean" traditional medicines, and expanding its facilities. State-level and provincial scientific research is entering a phase of completion, marking a new milestone for the pharmacy. It is a combination of traditional medicinal formulas, the legacy left by ancestors, with the latest research, innovative development, and daily improvement by Dr. Phung Tuan Giang - Doctor of Traditional Medicine, creating a series of health support products highly praised by the scientific community, especially in cancer treatment. 

Tho Xuan Duong Pharmacy is becoming increasingly well-known, helping more patients recover and providing assistance to the underprivileged. In recent years, the pharmacy has received prestigious awards from the Government Office, ministries, departments, and the Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations, such as "Vietnamese Herb doctor Following Uncle Ho's Teachings" and the title "Heart for the Health of the Vietnamese People" conferred by the Ministry of Health. In recent years, Tho Xuan Duong is proud to have examined and treated nearly 200,000 patients in 150 countries worldwide, establishing itself as a traditional medicine pharmacy treating numerous patients globally with Vietnamese traditional medicine.


In order to meet the healthcare needs and treat illnesses with traditional Vietnamese medicine, alongside applying the traditional diagnostic and treatment experiences of pure traditional medicine, Tho Xuan Duong Pharmacy always inherits and actively learns, conducts scientific and technical research to gradually modernize traditional medicine.

Tho Xuan Duong conducts in-depth research on the human body, the biological laws of various body parts, environmental medicine, as well as the existence mechanisms of disease-causing viruses and bacteria to formulate new medicines from precious medicinal herbs. In addition to liquid forms, traditional medicines are also prepared in pill, powder, ointment, liquid, and capsule forms, catering to patients who are unable to prepare liquid medicines. The products are manufactured based on Tho Xuan Duong's traditional medicinal formulas, combined with proprietary technology from the United Kingdom and the United States, approved by the Ministry of Health for production and distribution of some traditional family products nationwide - registered as Vietnamese brands. 

Striving to enhance the effectiveness of diagnosis and treatment, Tho Xuan Duong invests in modern and advanced diagnostic equipment and clinical examination tools, such as:

- Diagnostic and functional exploration device DDFAO - PRO MEDISCAN M3D: A state-of-the-art, completely harmless high-tech system used to diagnose early detection of abnormal signs, based on evaluating the concentration of substances in the intercellular fluid. The DDFAO - PRO MEDISCAN M3D device helps explore the overall functions of the body including endocrine - digestive - nutritional, blood pressure - biochemical indexes - respiratory system, musculoskeletal - nervous system - lymphatic system, cardiovascular - reproductive - nervous and acupuncture systems. From this, doctors can provide accurate in-depth clinical indications for the most effective treatment protocols.

Diagnostic and functional exploration DDFAO - PRO MEDISCAN M3D

- Computerized Meridian Diagnosis: This is the most advanced modern traditional Chinese medicine tool in Vietnam today… Patients' fingertips and toes are measured using a computer-connected meridian measurement device. Subsequently, the machine provides an overall result regarding the individual's health status and illnesses. This result, along with the "Four Diagnostics" and other clinical examination results, helps the doctor establish the most accurate treatment protocol.

- Batch Bag Herbal Extraction Technology from South Korea: This method applies the processing of clean medicinal materials, ensuring 100% preservative-free content. The medicine is extracted under suitable pressure, temperature, and time, guaranteeing high quality. It optimally extracts the substances in the medicinal herbs without evaporation, preserving the taste of the medicine and ensuring hygiene according to pharmaceutical standards. The medicine is packaged in a sterile environment with special packaging, allowing preservation for 3 - 6 months while maintaining quality.

With a team of experienced doctors, traditional medicine practitioners, and skilled technicians in treatment, modern therapeutic equipment such as localized drug inhalation machines, multi-source treatment devices, ultrasound machines, spectroscopic lights, traction devices, etc., are utilized. Specialized treatment methods, supplemented by traditional therapeutic drugs such as essential oils from Vietnamese herbs, herbal patches, are employed. The philosophy of treating patients as beloved family members helps patients recover quickly and affordably.


Tho Xuan Duong has planned four medicinal plant cultivation areas in Thuong Tin, Son Tay (Hanoi), Lao Cai, and the Central Highlands with an area of several dozen hectares. All stages from cultivation, processing, to medicinal material preparation are strictly carried out to ensure quality standards. This has helped Tho Xuan Duong enhance the quality of medicines, proactively securing raw materials to serve patients the best.

Dr. Phung Tuan Giang - Doctor of Traditional Medicine standing next to the original Ngoc Linh ginseng garden

The clean medicinal herb growing area of Tho Xuan Duong pharmacy


➤ BONE AND JOINT DISEASES: Rheumatoid Arthritis, osteoarthritis, cervical and lumbar spondylosis, hip and joint inflammation, gout, osteoporosis,...

➤ KIDNEY - URINARY DISEASES: Kidney deficiency syndrome, chronic nephritis, kidney stones, kidney failure, urethritis, bladder inflammation,...

➤ LIVER - GALLBLADDER DISEASES: Chronic liver inflammation, hepatitis B & C, liver fibrosis, fatty liver, gallstones, gallbladder inflammation,...

➤ DIGESTIVE DISEASES: Gastric - duodenal ulcers, chronic colitis, digestive disorders, internal and external hemorrhoids,...

➤ RESPIRATORY DISEASES: Chronic bronchitis, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD),...

➤ SENSE ORGAN DISEASES: Sinusitis, pharyngitis, otitis media, deafness, visual impairment,...

➤ CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES: High blood pressure, low blood pressure, arrhythmia, cerebrovascular accident sequelae, coronary artery insufficiency, mitral valve prolapse, heart failure stages 1 & 2,...

➤ ENDOCRINE - METABOLIC DISEASES: Diabetes, lipid metabolism disorders, Basedow's disease, thyroid disorders,...

➤ GYNECOLOGICAL DISEASES: Menstrual disorders, uterine inflammation, pelvic inflammation, fallopian tube obstruction, endocrine disorders, infertility, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts,...

➤ ANDROLOGY DISEASES: Erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, low sperm count, infertility, prostate fibroids,...

➤ NEUROLOGICAL, MENTAL DISEASES: Epilepsy, insomnia, nervous exhaustion, cognitive decline, various muscle weaknesses, anxiety disorders, depression, schizophrenia,...

➤ DERMATOLOGICAL DISEASES: Fungal infections, psoriasis, calluses, scabies, melasma, acne, milia, eczema, allergic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, vitiligo, dry skin, chronic skin wounds,...

➤ CANCER AND IMMUNE DISEASES: Various types of cancer, scleroderma, systemic lupus erythematosus,...


1. Asthma

2. Sinusitis

3. Gastric, intestinal diseases

4. Low joint, neuralgia, muscle weakness

5. Epilepsy

6. Scleroderma

7. Women's endocrine diseases, infertility

8. Andrological diseases

9. Kidney failure

10. Chronic skin inflammation

11. Thyroid disorders

12. Immune deficiency diseases, metabolic disorders, tumors,...


1. Direct Consultation

When visiting for examination, patients will be examined by Dr. Phung Tuan Giang, a Traditional Medicine Specialist, and a team of skilled doctors using modern examination equipment to monitor the entire system including endocrine, digestive, circulatory, blood pressure, musculoskeletal, nervous, reproductive systems, etc. Combining with diagnostic methods in traditional medicine such as pulse, observation, questioning, palpation. There are many renowned and specialized medicinal formulas, combined with the latest research and applications. With a spirit of serving patients with love and responsibility, it will surely help you recover quickly, satisfied, and develop affection for the Pharmacy.

2. Remote Consultation

In particular, the Pharmacy offers reputable free online medical consultations right at your home through the internet, meeting criteria of safety, accuracy, and cost-effectiveness:

➡ Assisting patients in limiting their need to leave home while still receiving direct examination and consultation from doctors without any COST.

➡ Through remote exchanges, doctors will diagnose the medical condition, helping to detect and prevent diseases early.

➡ For patients already suffering from illnesses, doctors will provide optimal solutions for treatment and healthcare for you and your family.

➡ Providing proactive disease prevention advice and healthcare.


The high-quality therapeutic center Tho Xuan Duong takes pride in inheriting the essence distilled from the herbal essence and traditional values with a rich experience in rapid disease treatment during the resistance campaigns from the 16th century. Coming to Tho Xuan Duong, you will enjoy precious herbal medicines crystallized from the earth and sky, bringing a new source of energy to relieve all the burdens, worries, and fatigue of life. With deep specialized treatment regimens, you will achieve a healthy body, relaxed mind, serene soul, and refreshed spirit. With a team of skilled and experienced doctors, technicians, specialized procedures, the use of royal bathing herbal medicines, herbal therapy oils, combined with modern medical equipment; herbal food and drinks, including Vietnamese Ngoc Linh ginseng, to enhance health and provide unique treatment support, creating a perfect and professional service.

Key services at the high-quality therapeutic center:

✅ Acupuncture, deep physical therapy for disease treatment.

✅ Thread embedding for treatment, beauty, weight loss.

✅ Whole-body health treatment, post-COVID-19 care through deep treatment:

- Meridian relaxation therapy for pain relief.

- Relaxation therapy, calming therapy.

- Memory enhancement therapy, post-COVID-19 brain fog prevention.

- Health enhancement therapy.

- Detoxification therapy.

✅ Full-body rejuvenating oil therapy, enhancing brain function.

✅ Whole-body skin whitening therapy using traditional medicine.

✅ Pain relief therapy for cancer patients.

✅ Other therapeutic services:

Herbal salt bathsMugwort steam therapy
Herbal oil steam bathsMulti-source treatment device and infrared magnetic stone therapy
Herbal foot soaksCataplasm
Spinal stretchingCupping therapy
Targeted infected body area medicineHerbal colon detoxification
Traditional herbal patchesHigh-tech weight loss
Vitiligo treatmentHerbal whitening baths


With the philosophy of treating patients as beloved family members, the high-quality therapeutic center will help patients recover quickly and affordably.


Every year, Tho Xuan Duong continuously participates in charitable programs for community health, such as: Free medical check-ups and treatment with medicine and money donations for the Elderly Association, Veterans Association, Women's Union, policy beneficiaries, poor families, lonely elderly, disabled children. Providing wheelchairs for people with disabilities, Tet gifts for the poor. Giving medicine and money to foster care centers, supporting flood victims, charity funds, humanitarian heart surgeries, building charity houses, savings accounts for Agent Orange victims and critically ill patients... The total amount of charitable donations reaches billions of Vietnamese dong.

Especially in recent years, Tho Xuan Duong has shared with many patients who have received medical examinations and treatment here with discounted or free services for patients with special circumstances, Vietnamese Heroic Mother, policy beneficiary families, contributors, disabled children... These actions have somewhat eased the difficulties for those in need and provided additional motivation to overcome illnesses.

Giving Tet gifts to children undergoing treatment for Duchenne muscular dystrophy

Donating 10 million VND and providing free physical therapy to restore function for two Nung ethnic minority children


In recent years, Tho Xuan Duong traditional pharmacy has provided medical examinations and treatment for nearly 200,000 patients in 150 countries around the world (with the strength of Traditional medicine in treating chronic diseases and immune modulation). Building a network of health advisors for foreigners, establishing websites, utilizing mass media... Collaborating and exchanging knowledge about natural medicine treatment methods, technological cooperation in cultivating medicinal plants, processing, and extracting natural compounds with India, China, South Korea, Japan, Switzerland, Canada, etc. This has helped improve the quality of medicines (increasing bioavailability) for Tho Xuan Duong's treatment products.

The Asian Record Organization awards a certificate of "Healer of many patients in countries around the world using Traditional medicine" to Dr. Phung Tuan Giang - Doctor of Traditional Medicine

On the occasion of the 370th anniversary celebration of Tho Xuan Duong's tradition, Record holder, Doctor Phung Tuan Giang was honored to receive the Golden Disc of Dedication awarded by the World Record Institute (WorldMark) under the World Record Union (WorldKings) to acknowledge and honor his contributions in the field of research on Vietnamese Traditional Medicine and the development of the global Record holder community.

The team of staff at Tho Xuan Duong Pharmacy

For health consultation, please contact:
5-7 Thuy San Compound, Alley 1 Le Van Thiem, Nhan Chinh Ward, Thanh Xuan District, Hanoi City.
Hotline/Zalo: 0943986986 - 0937638282